Monday, March 28, 2011

State of the Project Address

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I love my local library. It frequently allows me to indulge my imagination and curiosity without much commitment. Over the last few months I have been dabbling in sports psychology, with mixed results. Athletes seem to be masters of the great mysteries of motivation. I am very interested in what keeps them on their course, especially in the light of recent “hard work trumps talent” themed revelations. Great achievements require great effort, and athletes are a ready illustration of this principle.  I have been doing a lot of thinking about motivation lately, as it seems to be the core of my project. Motivation is a tricky thing - it hides in strange places, it comes and goes, and has the potential to propel man to heroic feats.

In the face of the rather daunting field of motivation psychology I began to analyze my doings a little more deeply. My project isn’t just about motivation. It’s true that I set up my point system as a way to motivate myself, but it seems to go beyond beyond the carrot on a stick I initially envisioned. Are the undercurrents of play and gaming the reason it works for me?