Friday, May 13, 2011

Level Up! Hello Level Three.

Heck yeah, Level 3! About a month ago, I accepted a position in the IT department at New Pioneer Co-op. I figured that was worth 50 bonus points, which means it’s time to level up!

I am still working on laying out my worksheet for this level. With such major life changes going on, it is a lot harder to do! I still like the idea of using this as a time management system/motivation source/thing I can’t help doing anyway - I just have to tweak it a little to fit the scene.

Whenever I play a video game RPG, I play until I reach the point of competency, and then I start over so I can do everything again, but better. Without getting too maudlin, I can admit that I sometimes get frustrated with the fact that I can’t do the same with my whole life. But life, being more challenging, unpredictable, and fascinating than a game, doesn’t allow for new game save files. Instead we get to look at our growing pains - with 20/20 hindsight! But I guess once you get over the horror that is being honest with yourself, you can look closely at those mistakes and use them to fuel future you.