Thursday, October 7, 2010

Warrior Training: On Like Metatron

On any given day, I use my imagination much more than the average adult (I presume - there is very little data available). I fold laundry as Dr. John Watson. I spend some time as Joachim Loew, working on fundamentals with my tiny soccer superstar. I occasionally chase after wild Pokemon in public places with my children.

I inevitably end up with cupboards full of foods that don't amount to meals.

 The downside of being an adult with an overactive imagination is that it can be very difficult not to be distracted by everything in the universe.

I daresay introductions are in order

First and foremost I am a nerd. One of those up-at-3 a.m.-covered-in-a-fine-layer-of-powdered-cheese-but-I'm-totally-about-to-level-up-you-guys kind of nerds. I reorganize file systems for fun. I read about digital copyright law in between episodes of Doctor Who.

But I'm also a (rubbish) housewife. I managed to marry and create two dork spawn, and now find myself in a position I never ever bothered to imagine myself in. I don't know if it's the undercurrent of androgyny and social confusion flowing beneath nerd nature in general, but the role of homemaker does not come naturally to me. So, I've decided to roleplay it.

This "homemaking" is my great new adventure. I vow here and now to build my skills and arsenal and conquer this land!

(Yes, I realize that I am LARP-ing solo to get my house clean. I am totally comfortable with this.)